New homework timetable

The new homework timetable is very similar to before: Mrs Nice will still check to see that 1000 points have been earned on Mathletics every Monday; maths homework from the revision book will be due in every Wednesday (6P: I will start setting this again next week); spellings will be tested every Friday; and all children will now be expected to log-on and complete work set by their teacher for every Friday.

If you have misplaced/lost any of your log-ins, please see your teachers.

The old Grammar and Punctuation books are now yours to freely use: we will not be checking them in school anymore. However, we still recommend you use them to help you revise!

Year 6 Letters

As part of our 'inspirational person' topic, we've recently written to people who we find inspiring. With our letters finally typed, sealed and ready to go, we took a short walk to a nearby post-box to send them on their way. Our fingers are crossed that we get replies!